Hotelbeds Announces the Return of the MarketHubs for 2023

Hotelbeds announces the return of the MarketHubs for 2023

Hotelbeds reanuda en Cancún y Ámsterdam los MarketHubs

De Europa y AméricaHotelbeds anuncia el regreso de sus exitosos MarketHubs para este 2023

Hotelbeds announces the return of the MarketHubs for 2023

Hotelbeds announces the return of the MarketHubs for 2023

Regresa MarketHubs este 2023, según anincia Hotelbeds

MarketHub Europe by Hotelbeds to debate the future of travel

MarketHub Europe to debate the future of travel

MarketHub Europe debate o futuro das viagens em evento

‘MarketHub Europe’ to debate the future of travel at the nhow Amsterdam RAI from 28-31 March 2023

Nicolas Huss, Carlos Muñoz (HotelBeds): “New tech trends are here to stay, in the meta-COVID era”

Hotelbeds analizará el futuro del turismo en su MarketHub en Amsterdam

MarketHub Europe: flagship event Hotelbeds deze week in Amsterdam

HotelRunner attends MarketHub Europe by Hotelbeds as Platinum Sponsor

MarketHub Europe Welcomes 400 Tourism Leaders

MarketHub Europe ontvangt meer dan 400 toerisme professionals

MarketHub Europe Welcomes 400 Tourism Leaders

MarketHub Europe to welcome 400 tourism leaders

El MarketHub Europe acogerá a 400 líderes del turismo en Ámsterdam

MarketHub Europe to welcome 400 tourism leaders

MarketHub Europe To Host 400 Travel Industry Leaders

MarketHub Europe welcomes tourism leaders

MarketHub Europe to be held in Amsterdam

MarketHub Europe: Themed tourism on the rise

MarketHub Europe: Themed tourism on the rise

Sustainable reizen is de toekomst en die is nu

El viajero está tomando el control, y eso cambiará la industria turística

El turismo creará 126 M de empleos en 10 años; hay que dotarle de atractivo

Themed tourism on the rise – Hotelbeds’ MarketHub Europe takes place in Amsterdam this week

Themed tourism on the upswing, says Hotelbeds CEO

Themed tourism on the upswing, says Hotelbeds CEO

Tendências: ‘O viajante de amanhã’ segue os passos das estrelas de TV e quer personalização, diz a Hotelbeds

Il turismo a tema trend in crescita. Lo rileva Hotelbeds

Themed tourism on the rise – Hotelbeds

Il credo Hotelbeds: “Siamo l’ecommerce B2B dei viaggi”

Themed tourism on the rise – Hotelbeds’ MarketHub Europe takes place in Amsterdam this week

Themed tourism on the rise – Hotelbeds

MarketHub Europe to welcome 400 tourism leaders

TV tourism is top travel trend

MarketHub Europe: tourism leaders reveal the traveller of tomorrow

MarketHub Europa: los líderes del turismo revelan al viajero del mañana

MarketHub Europe: líderes do turismo revelam o viajante de amanhã

Leon Herce (HotelBeds): “Digitalization in the No1 trend in the hotel industry today”

MarketHub Europe by Hotelbeds: Tech and AI will challenge travel status quo

El viajero está tomando el control, y eso cambiará la industria turística

José María Pestaña Sartorius (HotelBeds): “Technology should apply to the full length of travellers’ experience”

Markethub Europe encerra nesta sexta-feira

‘Tech and AI will challenge travel status quo’: MarketHub

Tech and AI to Disrupt Travel Industry Status Quo

History repeats itself: the arrival of ChatGPT evokes the disruption of Google

Tech and AI will challenge travel status que